Beast Mode Monday

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October 24, 2016 by 60shadesofpurple

Hey Bloggers,

It is chilly this morning!!! I love it. It is invigorating. My friend Tony, kept reminding me last night that “Winter is coming” and “the night is long and full of terrors.” I can’t help but laugh about how real it is.

I have never been one to be awake as early as I have been this semester. Going to the gym at 5:30am has opened my eyes to things that I don’t normally see. Like going there and back before the sun has even come up. This morning the horizon was  this delicate shade of peach. It was beautiful as the sky just faded back into a dark rich purple/navy blue color. And even though I was tired and ready for my coffee, it was probably the most beautiful thing I will look at today. That might change, but it also might not!. Either way it just makes my pretty amazing morning, even better.

Beast Mode was on this morning. I knew it was the day to break my previous record at the gym. I stayed out at Tony and Jay’s house until 10pm, which puts me actually getting in bed around 10:40pm. Which is an hour later than I am supposed to be in bed. I was tired when the alarm went off. And I had just woken up from a dream about having to run through waist deep cold rushing water. I was with 2 other women and we were running against the current up stream so it seemed. The water was really cold, I remember that. We made it pretty far before the alarm went off and I woke up. So, I was cold and tired lol. I headed to the gym and we warmed up and then it was time to go for it. I started at 135lbs and made my way to 220 lbs. New Personal Record. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to do it, and I was nervous because I pulled something in my shoulder last week and didn’t know if it would keep me from making this jump. One would say it didn’t. Then I went on to back squat my previous personal record for 3 sets of 6. I am crushing it! But here’s the kicker. I have to start really consistently eating really clean. I have been falling off the wagon very hard lately because of Halloween parties and candy. So I may have to crank out a Whole30 before Thanksgiving. Starting today. I haven’t eaten anything shitty yet! I had my protein and now I’m having coffee. When I’m done typing this I’ll go make breakfast.

Later on, after classes, I have to run to Target and grab some cleaning supplies, cat litter, and razors. OH! and q-tips. I have actually managed to use a WHOLE box. I’ve had that box for like 3 years lol. And I use them for a lot of things. Oh and I want to make a pot roast for dinner tomorrow or Wednesday. I’m happy for cold weather food. Lots of root vegetables and gourds! I went and voted on Friday, so I’m good to go for that. I have Quizzes to grade when I get back from running errands and Icarus wants to come over. He said my print is going to ship today. OMG you guys, my print is going to be here soon! like SOON SOON! Maybe as early as Wednesday (I have no idea where it is coming from)? Also, my two new dresses should be here today 🙂 I’m very excited for today. I also made a lot of German flash cards yesterday and I graded all of the bibliographies. I have to give a test right after class too. I just remembered that.


Things are looking pretty epic today. I am just saying. Very happy about a Monday? Weird concept I know. But I’m proud of myself and I’m totally on top of the world because of it. As it should be. So now I’m going to get some breakfast going, eat good, real foods today, and prep for the rest of the day. Happy Monday Bloggers. ❤

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